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What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is a medical philosophy and practice based on the idea that the body has the ability to heal itself. Homeopathy was founded in the late 1700s in Germany and has been widely practiced throughout Europe. Homeopathic medicine views symptoms of illness as normal responses of the body as it attempts to regain health.

Homeopathy is based on the idea that “like cures like.” That is, if a substance causes a symptom in a healthy person, giving the person a very small amount of the same substance may cure the illness. In theory, a homeopathic dose enhances the body’s normal healing and self-regulatory processes.

Our Treatments


Thyroid Gland is the butterfly-shaped organ situated in the front of the neck. It produces the hormones that control the speed of the metabolism. Hyperthyroidism and Hypothyroidism are two of the common types of the thyroid.


Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common hormonal disorder seen among women in their reproductive age. Women with PCOS produce higher than normal amounts of male hormones.


Diabetes mellitus, commonly known as diabetes, is a condition that impairs the body’s ability to process blood glucose, otherwise known as blood sugar.

Kidney Stone

Hard deposits of salts and other minerals formed within the kidney or urinary tract are termed as Kidney stones. These kidney stones are also referred to as Nephrolithiasis or Renal Lithiasis


Piles are also referred to as Hemorrhoids. They are a collection of swollen veins in and around the anal canal. They contain blood vessels, support tissue, muscle, and elastic fibers. While passing bowel movements, walls of these swollen veins become stretched and irritated leading to piles.


Arthritis means inflammation of one or more joints causing pain and stiffness that worsen with age. Arthritis refers to around 200 rheumatic diseases and conditions that affect joints, including lupus and rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis commonly occurs in the joints where a bone moves over the other bone.


Eczema also called dermatitis is an inflammatory skin disorder where people experience patches of red, dry and flaky skin on most of the areas like face, neck, upper chest, hands, feet and also behind the knees


Asthma is a disease affecting the airways that carry air in and out of your lungs. It is a chronic disease in which a person’s airways become inflamed, narrow and swell making it difficult to breathe.


Migraine is a condition caused due to specific neuro chemical changes in the brain characterized by recurrent headaches usually on one half of the head. It often combines with nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light. 


Vitiligo is a skin disorder where white patches of skin appear on different parts of the body. It is a chronic condition where not only the skin gets affected but also the hair that is present in the affected area also turns white. People of all skin types are affected by vitiligo but it is visible more in people with dark complexion.


Infertility means the inability to conceive even after 12 months of unprotected sex. It causes vary both in male and females. Infertility can be due to the woman, the man, both sexes, and unknown problems. 

Uterine Fibroids

Uterine Fibroids also called uterine polyps or myomas are the non-cancerous tumours which grow in the walls of women’s uterus. These fibroids usually vary in sizes and women can have a single fibroid or in clusters.

Why “Pure Care with Homeopathy” ?


Cured Patients


Years of experience


Seminars given by the Doctor


Cured Patients

We are in the service of mankind and hundreds of patients have been cured and got benefited so far from “Pure care with Homeopathy”. Our doctor is having vast experience of handling various acute as well as chronic disease cases. The approach of the doctor is very gentle and benevolent. The treatment offered here is very effective as the medicines used are very pure and genuine.

Dr. Jagruti SINGH
MD (Hom) & BHMS

Message from the Doctor

My medical profession started with the passion to cure people and at “Pure care with Homeopathy” I have started my journey to provide the most suitable treatment to patients with the utmost care and personalized homeopathic treatments. The best thing about homeopathy is, it enhances the body’s normal healing and self-regulatory processes. This philosophy of homeopathy is very effective in curing patients and have a great impact on their health and lives.

What our patients say about Pure Care?

Rating: 5 out of 5.

“Excellent Results”

Never knew that I will get rid of my skin condition which was sort of Eczema but the doctor helped me and now I have clear skin.

Sanjana K

Rating: 4 out of 5.

“Fantastic way of counselling”

Consulted the doctor for my daughter for her couselling. After 4-5 sessions I have seen tremendous changes in her behavior. All thanks to Dr Jagruti.

Asha P

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

“Amazing way of treatment”

One of the best place to approach if someone is looking for homeopathic consultant for their medical related problems.

– Jaina S

Our Doctor’s View




for the viral flu its best to take homeopathic medicine